Thank you to @beyondthefrontcover for nominating me for this award. It is a pleasure and honour to be nominated especially considering that my blog is relatively new. Since I am still tinkering with WordPress and I cannot figure out how to tag someone in my blog post besides myself (the greatest irony of it all) I am inserting the link for @beyondthefrontcover blog below:


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to his/her blog.
  2. Answer their questions.
  3. Nominate up to 9 other bloggers and ask them 5 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees through their blog by visiting and commenting on their blog.
  5. List the rules and display the “Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award” logo.
  6. Provide the link of the award creator of Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award as Rising Star from


I have been asked to answer the same questions that was asked of her so the questions and my answers are below:

What do you do to unwind/de-stress/relax?

Drink a cup of tea, colour (I have an adult colouring book which works wonders), and cuddle with my boyfriend while we watch Netflix (oxytocin).

Are you an early bird type of person, a night owl, or somewhere in between?

I am neither a morning person nor a night person. Give me the chance and I will sleep in late and go to sleep early.

Do you have a favourite movie character? Who is it and from what movie?

Favourite character is Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. I love the novel and the movie lived up to my expectations.

Who is your favourite artist or what is your favourite artwork?

Favourite artwork is Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Starry Night. When I was about fourteen we had to replicate the painting. Long story short – when I completed the painting I had developed an appreciation for that piece.

Which of your blog posts is your favourite?

My favourite blog post so far is the one where I shared my struggles with my body image and having pcos. The feedback from the blog post was heartwarming and it helped other women realize they are not alone. Link below:


I wish I could have nominated everyone that I follow so if you aren’t nominated please still feel free to participate.

The nominees are:

Meghan’s Teen Life


The Caribbean Millennial

Simply Vaishnavi

Trini Mom in D Middle

29 and Feeling Fine

Reality Writes by London Dene


Word Nerd Scribbles

When I drafted this blog post originally I was not following this blogger. However I do believe in giving young people a chance and especially because this is a teen blogger, sometimes a nudge in the right direction helps. One of her blog posts really made me smile because it reminded me of my teenage years.

Without further ado, I would like to acknowledge and nominate:

Times of Trials


For those who I have nominated feel free to answer the five questions I answered or the following questions below:

  1. Who or what was your inspiration for blogging?
  2. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
  3. What is your dream vacation spot?
  4. What is the title of your favourite novel, if any?
  5. What advice would you give to a new blogger?


Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog. July’s blog post is already completed and waiting to be published so make sure to look out for it. Feel free to check out and follow my pages on Instagram (@rachel_ramdhan) and Facebook (@rachramdhan). The links are below:




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